Saturday, January 24, 2009

What's it with the title?

So here I am, thinking hard about what to write in my first post, waiting for the bulb to flicker! Since nothing in particular is coming into my mind, let me post the reason for choosing this name for the blog. Well, the reason is.... availability of the name. I would have liked to have some other name, but then so many geniuses are in this cyber world that practically there's no chance that any good name was available for the taking. What I wanted for my blog's name was something that describes the way my brain works. Intermittent, discontinuous, incoherant, broken. Hey wait, that seems to be a good title. 'BrokenThoughts'. But alas! Somebody beat me to it! And that person doesn't seem to be using it. What a shame. So I started pondering again, with my broken thoughts going from one name to another. 'jigsawmind', 'broken mirror', etc etc.... Finally I got 'theflickeringbulb', which sounded both funny and meaningful(for me). So even though it was not my first choice, I decided to keep this name for my first weblog. And by the time I finished creating the title image, I have to admit that I feel lucky that this name occured to me. Ok, so much for my first post. If you are reading this line, I would feel that my first post is not a total waste. I'll keep posting. You keep reading. Cheers!
(Now let me see how this looks when i publish it)


  1. Generally, a flickering bulb or rather a bulb denotes a birth of an Idea... I am all set to see your ideas... Keep blogging....

  2. Is your honeymoon done already or what?

  3. "If you are reading this line, I would feel that my first post is not a total waste. I'll keep posting. You keep reading. Cheers!"


  4. Bulby,

    you have been awarded the Liebster Blog award by me.


    - If you’re tagged/nominated, you have to post 11 facts about yourself
    -Then you answer the 11 questions the tagger has given you and make 11 questions for the people you’re going to tag.
    -Tag 11 more bloggers.
    -Tell the people you tagged that you did.
    -No tagging back.
    -The person you tag must have less than 200 followers

    My questions for you:

    1. If you were a fruit, which fruit would you be?
    2. If you were a drink, which drink would you be?
    3. If you were a season, which season would you be?
    4. If you were a gadget, which gadget would you be?
    5. If you were a song, which song would you be?
    6. If you were an animal, which animal would you be?
    7. If you were a colour, which colour would you be?
    8. If you could be anywhere in the world, where would it be?
    9. If you could have anything materialistic, what would it be?
    10. If you had to get rid of a bad habit, what habit would it be?
    11. If you were me, what would you love most about yourself?

    IQ :)
